How to Win Kings of Advidi – 6 Ways to Become a King

We’re just about halfway through Kings of Advidi, and the competition is stronger than ever before. We’ve seen the top spot in each category change every week, and although some of you have managed to stay near the top of the leaderboard, nobody is safe at this point. So listen up if you want to take the top spot and actually keep it – these tips could be your golden ticket to winning the royal prize!

1. Take full advantage of Double Points offers

This is a sure-fire way to milk some extra value out of your campaigns – and possibly even come across a new killer offer or angle!

Every two weeks, we select some of our best offers to become Double Points offers for the following two-week period. We’ll send you a newsletter every other Thursday with the offers. Those offers go live at midnight on Friday (CET) and expire when the next set of offers go live.

The bonus points are automatically applied – all you have to do is generate revenue on the offers. Seeing as these are also top performing offers, there’s no reason not to double down. Your AM can help you figure out a way to drive major sales while racking up the points!

2. Make special deals with your AM

This is a chance to show off your creativity and your negotiation skills at the same time! If you have a personal goal or an opportunity you’d like to pursue, mention it to your Affiliate Manager and request a special Kings of Advidi target.

Not only can your AM use our vast resources to help you reach your personal goal, they can also offer you bonus Kings of Advidi points as a reward! As long as the deal is approved, your imagination and deal-making skills are the only limits on this one.

Team Advidi

3. Know your business and adapt accordingly

While many will focus heavily on Double Points offers and special deals, others are sticking with what they know – and that strategy can pay off, too. If your competitor pulls in 10k on a Double Points deal, they’ll still be behind you if you’re pulling in 25k on a standard offer you already know how to blow up.

The point of the contest is to give you opportunities to expand (while having a little fun), not necessarily to change your business model. Staying in touch with your AM is the key to finding the balance point. They know your business and can adapt the competition to suit you, rather than forcing you to adapt your business to suit the competition.

4. Refer someone to the competition

By referring someone to Kings of Advidi, you earn 10 points – a huge boost that can rocket you up the leaderboard. On top of that, you’ll also earn bonus income on their revenue through our affiliate referral scheme (2% of their sales for one year from signup). There’s never been a better time to refer a friend or partner to Advidi! (Note: extra points will be added after the referred affiliate has reached a $10k threshold.)

5. Be patient and think long-term

This is still just week four of the contest, which means we haven’t even reached the second half – there are still 35+ days out of 60 to go. Those who are patient, consistent and keeping a close eye on their performance will win out over those who make hasty decisions. Talk to your AM about your long-term business plan – they can help you accomplish it, and may even sweeten it up with a bonus points deal!

6. Bribe someone at Advidi

Do you feel like you’re doing really well… yet every time the leaderboard is updated, your name hasn’t moved up?

First off, you should feel proud of your success anyway. But second off, you can always try to buy additional success through clever bribes!

This is definitely the riskiest option, as it’s very easy to get caught and probably won’t work. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so keep this in mind as the contest reaches its final days in about 5 weeks. (Psst: I’ve heard the copywriter has access to the leaderboard and needs a new jacket…)

Team Advidi

Now it’s your turn!

Using the above methods (except maybe that last one) will virtually guarantee an improved performance in the competition. But will it put you at the top? You know your business better than anyone, so it’s up to you to find a creative way to rack up points.

We know one thing for sure: the winners we meet in Amsterdam for King’s Day will have done something extra to earn it (while also earning extra profits). They’ll have plenty of reasons to celebrate with a prize that includes:

  • Round-trip flight to Amsterdam from wherever you are
  • Business day full of in-depth discussions and content from top-level affiliates and influencers
  • Party on top of the city with the whole Advidi crew
  • Luxury hotel accommodation for 3 nights
  • Boat ride and celebration during King’s Day (the biggest holiday in the Netherlands)
  • Dinners, lunches, clubbing/partying, etc.
  • And more (to be revealed soon…)

So what methods are you using to beat the competition? Let us know below… or better yet, keep them secret and tell us in person when you come to celebrate victory!

DISCLAIMER: We do not encourage breaking laws, terms of service or even suggested rules. Heck, we don’t encourage breaking anything (except through to the other side).

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