Ad Max: Advidi at Affiliate Summit West 2018

Once, they were marketers.

Road warriors searching for a righteous cause. But as the affiliate world turns toward Vegas… each of them, in their own way, will be unleashed. It will be hard to know who is more crazy for profits… them… or everyone else.

At the top of the new year, Affiliate Summit West 2018 will storm Las Vegas.

This significant affiliate marketing event gathers some of the top players in the industry to share knowledge, make deals and set the tone for the coming year.

To support the furious takeover, we’re sending our Ad Max War Boys to the event, which takes place from 7-9 January 2018. You can find them at Table B7… or schedule a private 1-on-1 if you dare!

Meet The Ad Max War Boys

Mark Nolte Advidi

Mark Nolte

Role: VP of Business Development

Verticals: All (Dating, Mainstream, Health & Beauty, iGaming)


Skype: advidi.businessdev

Mark is the driving force behind many of Advidi’s new partnerships with advertisers – along with being the best person to have around if you’re trying to get into a club. He’s helped to build the company since its early days, overseeing long-term relationships and tackling opportunities as quickly as they come. Talk to him about how Advidi helps advertisers grow at unprecedented levels.

As head of the War Boys, Mark puts himself on the front lines of battle. He’s always leading the charge toward new horizons, choosing the long road to trusted partnerships over risky shortcuts.

Pieter Advidi

Pieter de Vries


Skype: pieter.advidi

Role: Team Lead – Health & Beauty

Verticals: Health & Beauty

Pieter has always been fascinated by data and analyzing things – whether it’s optimizing an online campaign to increase its performance, or checking if wind conditions will be favorable for a surf session. Along with the rush of seeing stats improve, the great people keep him firmly rooted in the affiliate industry. Talk to him if you’re looking for Health & Beauty offers or traffic – or just to chat about surfing.

Pieter is a true leader, rallying his troops throughout every battle to keep them in top condition. He never leaves a man behind, knowing full well that his team’s success depends on working as a cohesive unit.

Bram Advidi

Bram van Pul


Skype: bram.advidi

Role: Email Marketing Manager

Verticals: All (Dating, Mainstream, iGaming, Health & Beauty)

Bram will never let you down. He’s organized and careful, but that never distracts from his confidence – especially when there’s an important task at hand. He prefers to look before he leaps, though it’s mostly so he can get a running start. Get in touch with him if you’re the type that absolutely must get things done right the first time.

A calculated planner, Bram helps the Ad Max War Boys stay focused on their true goal: destroy Immortan Joe and take over the Citadel improve profits for Advidi’s partners.

Rick Advidi

Rick Haasnoot


Skype: rick.advidi

Role: Affiliate Manager

Verticals: Health & Beauty

Nobody knows where he gets the energy, but it’s always there! Rick is ever ready to take time out of his busy schedule to help his affiliates, whether they’re looking for insight into the next winning campaign or just getting started in the industry. His enthusiasm carries over into his personal life as well; he’s a Judo black belt and has conquered the Iron Viking Marathon.

As part of the Ad Max crew, Rick is always looking out for his team. He’ll be the first to enter battle and last to leave, always making sure the job is finished before considering rest.

Matthieu Advidi

Matthieu Thomas


Skype: matthieu.advidi

Role: Business Development Manager

Verticals: Health & Beauty

Focus. That’s Matthieu’s strength – he’s always tying his efforts and actions to a specific goal. He’s motivated by his own improvement, and the result is a positive trend in ROI for his partners. He knows that hard work, dedication and a bit of calculated risk make up the formula for success.

Matthieu keeps the Ad Max crew on the road to glory at all times – even though he finds time to relax, he’ll never let his goals out of sight for long.

Meet Advidi at Table B7

Our Ad Max War Boys will be building their Citadel around Table B7 during Affiliate Summit West. If you find yourself in the meet market frenzy, be sure to stop by.

ASW meet market


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