Advidi joins Dance4Life for 2018 NYC Marathon

Advidi x Dance4Life

Every year, dedicated supporters of Dance4Life travel to New York City to run its world-famous marathon in the name of sexual health education for children.

We’re proud to announce that they’ll be at least three stronger this year – thanks to the addition of our brave Advidi volunteers: Mark van den Elzen, Bram van Pul and Patrick Spruit.

The NYC Marathon is an incredibly intense test of physical endurance, which makes it an attractive opportunity for both Dance4Life and Advidi. Each organization is defined by its approach to challenges; we both take action to create real change in the world.

The Dance4Life mission

Founded in 2003, Amsterdam-based Dance4Life operates in high-risk areas around the globe to educate youth about HIV/AIDS and sexual health. Their trademark fundraising events are always focused on active participation, with dance and physical activity often at center stage. Their mission is to educate and inspire action by setting a positive example – both for the children they assist and for those who support their endeavour.

We are a strong believer in the cause and appreciate the fact that Dance4Life brings communities together in order to accomplish its goals.

Learn more on the official Dance4Life website.

Why we’re supporting Dance4Life

As a global, people-oriented organization with a focus on health and balance, we find a lot to respect in Dance4Life’s mission. We recognize the power of education when it comes to impacting positive change, and the importance of taking action to support your beliefs. Just like Dance4Life, we’re active, energetic and always thinking about long-term results.

This matches our internal culture of inspiring people to live healthy and active lives. We also believe in the importance of knowledge, especially as it empowers personal development. Internally, we provide constant training and education for our people. Externally, we take on the responsibility of thought leadership. We constantly share our industry knowledge with our clients and strongly believe that the more knowledgeable our partners are, the better the industry will be.

Most of the people working at Advidi are young. The partnership with Dance4Life is a very concrete step toward showing our employees that we genuinely care about these values – they’re not only words.

The Advidi runners

The Advidi Runners

Mark van den Elzen: “I decided to run the Dance4Life marathon for a few reasons. It’s a combination of “doing the right thing” and a personal bucket list wish. I love running, and training for the NY Marathon is the perfect training goal.

We have the opportunity to give young people a better chance at a happy and healthy life, which is not a given in some places around the world. I want this for my own three kids and want to provide equal chances for other kids.”

The Advidi Runners

Patrick Spruit: “Some things you just need to do once in your life, and running a marathon is one of these things (for me at least). I’m not only gonna run the 42k but I’m also raising money for Dance4Life while doing so. Help me by donating to Advidi4Dance4Life!”

The Advidi Runners

Bram van Pul: “I was inspired to run a marathon when I was with my mother in Maastricht during the Iron Man Triathlon. I saw the incredible feat these guys were accomplishing, and I knew I had to be part of it – at least in some way. When the Dance4Life opportunity came along, I realized it was the perfect chance to challenge myself while supporting something bigger.

I really like that Dance4Life encourages individuals to contribute more than just money. When you get involved personally, you feel a stronger connection to the cause you’re supporting. In this case, I feel proud to pitch in toward creating a better upbringing for youth worldwide.”

Together we are strong

We cannot create change alone. To truly make a difference, we need your support – our network, our community, our friends.

Whether you are a business partner, family to one of the runners, a friend or just a believer in the Dance4Life mission, we hope you will join us in this united effort to support a cause more important than any individual campaign could possibly be.

We kindly request your donations to the Dance4Life X Advidi campaign:


Make your donation

Sharing this campaign is another great way to show support – and of course, be sure to encourage Mark, Bram and Patrick as they prepare over the coming months. We’ll keep you in the loop!

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