That’s a wrap for the Kings Of Advidi 2025 competition!!
The data has been collected, the points tallied and the numbers crunched. The data department has been working overtime to double and triple-check everything and the results are in. The Kings have been crowned. Here you go…
What have they won?
Even though the competition is over, for all the lucky winners this is just the beginning. They will be flown in from all around the world for a once-in-a-lifetime King Day experience.
– Take to the skies, captain! They’ll learn how to fly a real plane!
– 5-star hotel accommodation at Soho House.
– Exclusive parties with the best DJs.
– VIP dining experiences.
– Iconic King’s Day boat party, of course.
– Fierce Competition
This year, the competition was fierce right till the very end, with top spots in many of the categories changing throughout the final few leaderboards. In fact, not a single category had the same leader for the entire competition. Let’s take a look back at how it all played out.
The Turbo Takeoff Booster, which gave those who signed up before January 1st a 5 point head start, meant that certain competitors were out of the gates at lightning speed.
After a big first weekend, the first leaderboard update made for interesting reading. All 6 table toppers started strong and were looking in control.
The first few weeks were shaping up to be relatively drama free, until the Cloud Surfer Booster began to shake things up.
Cloud Surfers
Once the second booster came into play, things started to get interesting.
The Cloud Surfer Booster enabled affiliates to earn double points on special offers that were released every second Friday of the competition.
This gave those who had experienced a slower start the chance to flex their media-buying muscles and fly up the leaderboard.
A week into the competition the original leaders were still hanging on to top spot, but only by a thread. Smart tactics and the use of the special offers list meant that there was a hungry pack just behind the leaders – waiting to strike.
Boosters Play Havoc
A few weeks in, the Dating Western Europe, Antivirus, Leadgen and Newcomers categories had all seen the lead change hands a number of times.
This was to be expected, as contestants began to realise how powerful the boosters could be.
The Afterburner Booster was measured in 2 week cycles, and kicked off with the second week of the competition.
From then on, if competitors could improve on your score from the previous cycle we increased the points competitors earned in that cycle by 10%.
Serious moves were being made on the leaderboards.
The Jet Stream Booster had the same impact.
For this booster, if competitors beat their best month with us from the last 3 years during the competition, they were rewarded with a massive 30% extra on their score.
It goes without saying that everyone who managed to get this booster saw their points shoot up.
The Final Descent Booster was the last chance for competitors to make a final push up the leaderboard, and that’s exactly what it did.
If competitors increased their final 2 weeks’ revenue compared to their 2-week average over the entire competition, they had the opportunity to earn bonus points.
– 20% increase on their 2-week average = 10 points
– 30% increase on their 2-week average = 15 points
– 40% increase on their 2-week average = 20 points
Believe it or not, the top 2 competitors in 1 category had the exact same points tally on the second-last leaderboard. The Final Decent Booster split them in the end.
Done And Dusted
And just like that, the Kings of Advidi 2025 edition has come to an end. Well, the competition has at least.
Not a winner this time? Well don’t worry, there’s always next year. Stay tuned to our socials over King’s Day weekend to get a peak at what an Advidi party really looks like.
If you’re not already an Advidi affiliate, and these kinds of affiliate marketing competitions sound like something you’d love to get involved in, why not sign up? Our dedicated account managers are ready and waiting.