My Life Through Pictures: Seçil

Where does the energy come from?!

That’s often the first question that comes to mind when you meet Seçil, who joined us as an affiliate manager at the end of last year. The answer was a mystery… until now, at least.

Thanks to her tell-all pictorial tale, we’ve gained an insider’s perspective on what keeps Seçil motivated, rejuvenated and capable of keeping the enthusiasm going. The following photographs and stories from her personal life ought to give you the full picture:


1) I’m a city girl…


There’s something about big, bustling cities that inspires me – the energy, constant activity, different people living their different lives all together in one place… Tokyo is a perfect example. I almost couldn’t sleep because of the adrenaline the city was giving me. The people are eccentric and extravagant, yet there’s always a sense of control and orderliness. You never know what (or who) you might run into next.

It’s not all loud noises and shining lights, though. I especially enjoy checking out little communities that don’t get much tourist attention. It gives me the chance to see what life is like from a local’s perspective, and those hidden gems are usually where the best food and most exciting places are. Being in the affiliate marketing industry is great for this – there are so many people from different places with unique stories. It’s great to be able to travel and meet them.


2) …but I’m inspired by calm places

Secil Advidi

Despite my love for big cities, I think it’s really important to find quiet moments in calm places. Affiliate marketing is a busy business, and I wouldn’t have it any other way – but sometimes you need a break from everything.

Out of all the calm, reflective moments in my life, the most impactful came right as I reached the peak of an active volcano in Indonesia. The whole trek up Mount Rinjani took 14 hours; we got up at 1am to walk to the summit to get there in time for the sunrise. The stars were brighter than every light in Tokyo put together. Morning broke as we reached the top. That feeling of reaching your goal after a 14-hour struggle, with little sleep and food, is a feeling you can never beat! Being on top of that mountain made me feel really small. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced!


3) Music is my life

Secil Advidi

I love music… if someone were to ask me if I’d rather be deaf or blind, I think I’d rather be blind. As to what my favorite type of music is, I don’t really have one specific type. My guilty pleasure consists of R&B slow jams, which I can listen to at any moment of the day, but I also love soul, singer/songwriters, electronic and hip-hop. Living in such a big city like Amsterdam gives me the chance to get a taste of all genres.

In this picture I’m on my way to a huge Dutch festival in a bungalow park where I was about to enjoy techno music, complete with a pool and all-night partying with friends. No, we weren’t the only ones wearing crazy costumes…


4) Food is more than just fuel

Secil Advidi

There’s not a lot you can wake me up for, but you can wake me up for ceviche any time! I’m a foodie, which pairs perfectly with my love of travel. I also love to cook – food brings you together with people and cultures. I’m of Turkish descent, and for us, food is about gathering everybody together and nurturing ourselves and our friendships.

I love to prepare a big meal for my friends, then bring them all together to share stories and take time to enjoy it together. For me that’s everything… and if I’m not the one cooking, I love me some good ceviche, sushi or tartare accompanied with a good story or laugh.


5) Friendship brings everything together

Secil Advidi

Traveling is more fun with friends… food tastes better with friends… music sounds better with friends… everything is better with friends! Whether it’s sharing a meal I’ve cooked or partying at a concert, I get a lot of my energy from the positive people in my life. I consider myself really lucky to be at a place that not only supports my travel and food addictions, but also surrounds me with great colleagues.

I recently took a two-week holiday to the San Blas Islands in Panama with Marlou (one of the other affiliate managers). Even though I value my alone time, it’s often much better to have a friend to share your experiences with!

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