The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate World Europe 2017 – Berlin

JA! It’s back! The 2017 edition of Affiliate World Europe is coming back to Berlin, and thanks to the tireless efforts of its organizers and the feedback they’ve received from all of you… it’s set to be the best edition ever.

To ensure you get the most of out of the conference, we’ve put together lots of useful information – we’ll cover the conference itself, but also about the incredibly interesting city of Berlin. We’ll include tools that can help facilitate a great experience, along with tips on traveling smart and planning your time more efficiently to get maximum value from the event.

To round it all out, we’ve asked some of the most respected people in the industry – all of whom have been directly involved in AWE over the years – for their best tips and advice:

  • Charles Ngo gives tips on getting a return on your investment.
  • Drew Eric Whitman explains why his speech at AWE will be packed with value.
  • Lorenzo Green shares his favorite parts about the conference and the effort that goes into organizing it.
  • Matej (Matuloo) breaks down the reasons AWE is so valuable to members of our industry.

All of this makes this guide to AWE Berlin our most comprehensive by far. As a reader, if you have any personal suggestion that you would like to add, please feel free to contact us!


Affiliate World Europe 2017: A Complete Overview
Venue – STATION Berlin
The neighborhood: Kreuzberg
About the organizers – Affiliate World Conferences
DREW ERIC WHITMAN on Bringing the Right Mindset to AWE
Networking opportunities – Meet Market
Ibiza afterparty
LORENZO GREEN on the Venue, City and Ibiza

Useful travel planning apps
Getting there
Amsterdam – Berlin Rally
Where to stay – Hotels & AirBnB
Pick the right Kiez
Getting a visa
Speaking German
Money and costs
Getting around Berlin
Health & safety
MATEJ (MATULOO) on Mixing Business with Pleasure & What To Do During the Conference

Near the venue
The Surface
The Underworld
Restaurants / Cuisine
Map of key places
CHARLES NGO on Maximizing Your AWE Experience
Top 10 Tips
Meet Advidi there


Affiliate World Europe 2017: A Complete Overview

This year’s European edition once again takes place in Berlin on 14-15 June 2017.

The city is already known for its late-night parties, strong affinity for beer and sausage, gritty urban neighborhoods, diverse art and historical significance… and soon enough, we’ll add world-class affiliate marketing conferences to that list!

It may not be the backdrop some affiliates expect, but there’s plenty to love about the city. Its central location in Europe makes it an ideal meeting place for all. And by all… we mean all!

You’ll meet affiliates from around the globe – not just Europe. Expect the same focus as the most common topics on STM. This is one event where people will speak your language.

Top 10 reasons you shouldn’t miss this year’s event:

  1. It may well be the biggest affiliate marketing event all year.
  2. You’ll have the chance to acquire new offers and find unique traffic sources that don’t appear at other events.
  3. The energizing atmosphere will inspire you to grow as a professional
  4. Advice is easy to find. Get help on your campaign or find tricks to take your success to another level.
  5. It offers great value. There are only a few chances to get this much information in one place. The speakers are worth the ticket price alone.
  6. The event is designed for affiliates in the specific verticals and traffic sources we all work in, meaning you won’t have to wade through any fluff to get to the good stuff.
  7. You can actually earn your money back tenfold by making the right connections and meeting the right people.
  8. Berlin is an exciting city, rich with history and lots to see and do for all types.
  9. Lots of parties and meetups give you the chance to hang out with like-minded professionals in a fun, casual setting.
  10. You’ll get the chance to meet awesome people and potential business partners – including the Advidi team!

This one will be huge. Most booths are already completely sold out, while tickets are running out. Learn more about the 2017 event below and get your ticket on the official AWE 2017 website.

  • Note: Ticket prices rise every week. At this moment, tickets are under €500… but that won’t last. Act fast.

Venue – STATION Berlin

People don’t typically complain about AWE, but we did pick up on a few choice comments about last year’s location. Participants felt the area (Alexanderplatz) and venue were not very representative of the affiliate world.

Have no fear. It’s different this year.

Enter STATION Berlin.

station berlin


New venue – STATION Berlin

This 19th-century train station was recently converted into a massive events space, and it should be perfect for this growing conference. With multiple halls and a central location within the city (right by a train station – a working one, that is), it’s an excellent choice for the event. We can’t wait to check it out when it’s all lit up with AWE signs and booths!

Official Website:


Luckenwalder Str. 4-6

10963 Berlin, Germany

The neighborhood: Kreuzberg

In addition to the new venue being a step up, the neighborhood it’s located in is also a big change from last year’s event. Kreuzberg is known for its hip, trendy hotspots, beautiful parks (Viktoriapark and Park am Gleisdreieck) and easy access to major attractions throughout Berlin. You’ll have everything you need!

About the organizers – Affiliate World Conferences

With two annual events – one in Asia and one in EuropeAffiliate World Conferences have grown to become the major highlights on every “in the know” affiliate’s calendar.

Sprung from the masterminds at STM, these meetups-turned-professional-events have taken the affiliate marketing world by storm. Attendance skyrockets each year, with each event drawing bigger names and numbers than the last. Advertisers and affiliates alike enjoy fascinating insights, superior networking opportunities and (of course) awesome parties and meetups.
The people behind the events are affiliates themselves, and the effort put into making them successful is clearly a work of passion.

DREW ERIC WHITMAN on Bringing the Right Mindset to AWE

We had a great list of reasons as to why you should go to AWE 2017, but who better to tell you than Drew Eric Whitman? The renowned Direct-Response Surgeon™ and author of CA$HVERTISING (among other highly applicable works on direct response and marketing) has spoken at previous Affiliate World Conference events, including last year’s AWE.

drew eric whitman

We asked Drew a few questions about his experience with previous events, along with what he loves about Berlin and why every affiliate should consider attending AWE 2017:

Drew, what makes AWE worth affiliates’ time?

Drew Eric Whitman: iStack knows exactly what it takes to achieve success in the affiliate marketing industry. When Jordan and his team produce their conferences, they literally “handcraft” every element with the mindset, “What will add both significant and measurable value for our attendees such that when the conference is over, our participants are not only immersively trained by the best in the business, but also motivated and energized for greater success?”

I not only delivered a keynote and seminar, but spent hours talking to participants — some of the nicest people I’ve ever met — and they were incredibly psyched to be there. The admission fee is a bargain when you see the smorgasbord of activities and learning and business opportunities available under one roof, packed into two intense and fun days. If you go with an open mind, it will be like digging in a solid vein of pure gold for you.

Why should affiliates be sure to attend your keynote at AWE?

Because in just one intense and rapid-fire 30-minute presentation, I’m going to teach them how to fix 13 hidden ad-response killers that are now strangling their sales. These are 13 common blunders made by both beginners and experienced marketers… psychological “brain-blocks” that actually persuade consumers to not respond. I’m going to show actual examples of these “response assassins” and give quick and easy fixes for each of them.

Anyone who has a good product or service, but isn’t happy with their advertising response needs to attend this program. It will save them money, time, frustration and help them turn their business around fast.

What’s your strategy for getting the most value out of events like AWE?

Do what the Zen master suggested to the reporter who came to interview him. Instead of asking the wise old master questions, the reporter went on and on about everything he knew about life! So the master offered the reporter tea and began pouring. When the tea reached the top of the cup, the master continued pouring until the cup overflowed and the tea spilled all over the table and ran to the floor. The reporter, in shock, said, “What are you doing, master? You can’t pour any more in!” The master smiled and replied, “Indeed… this cup is like your head. You are so full of your own thoughts, answers and opinions, there is no more room for new ideas. If you truly want to learn, you must have an open mind that’s capable of absorbing new information.”

What’s the most important thing first-timers should consider before going?

Go with a commitment of some kind. Put something at stake. Exactly why are you going? What are you committing to achieving that you can measure at the end of each day? Not something amorphous… something real and tangible. Perhaps you will commit to talk to enough successful affiliates to give you the confidence to finally dedicate yourself to building a business that allows you to quit your salaried job. Challenge yourself and put a definite number to it… “I’ll talk to no fewer than 50 people before each of the two days is over.”

You could do the exact same thing for the purpose of networking alone. You could commit to thoroughly exploring every booth display and by the end of day 2 deciding which opportunity you’ll dedicate your time and effort to. Go with a plan. A goal. With an idea of what you want to achieve. Because when the conference is over, you want to be able to do more than simply say, “That was an awesome conference… now, uh, what do I do?”

Go with an objective that’s more than the simple satisfaction of curiosity. Go like your life depends on it and see how much more each day at the show will mean to you.

Is there something you always wished you did in Berlin, or something you really wish you hadn’t done there?

Last year I ran out of time and missed the city tour of Berlin. I’m going to make sure I get that in this time. Those bus tours are the fastest and easiest way to see the most sights in the shortest amount of time. I’d also like to visit some of the incredible art museums I passed on the way from the hotel to the conference center. Those gorgeous old buildings are sure to house some amazing works of art! And this time I’m finding where to buy Piacetto coffee beans and loading my suitcase with them for the flight home. One cup of this stuff in a local restaurant near the hotel has been on my mind ever since last summer. 😉

Networking opportunities – Meet Market

Along with the speakers, this is where you’ll get your value. As our contributors will each mention, this event is all about meeting people and expanding your network – whether it’s acquiring new offers, finding unique traffic sources, meeting affiliates from around the world or simply expanding your knowledge into new verticals and flows, AWE 2017 is ripe with chances to grow as a business.

Don’t miss out on the amazing Meet Market, which keeps getting more exciting every event. This is where advertisers, networks and even large-scale publishers strut their stuff (usually providing some swag and fun activities to sweeten the pot).

In addition, multiple specialized Networking Events will be taking place. Sessions planned so far include:

  • Facebook
  • Native
  • Mobile

Stay tuned for more updates on networking!


You can find on-the-spot updates and networking events via the official Affiliate World Conferences app.


The diverse array of big-name speakers at AWE grows each year. This time, attending the keynotes will allow you to…

  • Create a 50-million-dollar business by yourself
  • Find out why your prelanders scream “DON’T BUY!” – right under your nose
  • Hack into new industries you know nothing about
  • Remove blockers preventing you from scaling
  • Outsource intelligently to beat your competition
  • Learn all about flashlights

Yes… flashlights.

As you’ve already seen, Drew Eric Whitman is pretty convincing when he talks about what you’ll get from attending his speech. He’s not alone. The keynote speakers this year are all talented, proven professionals with numbers to back ‘em up. They’re people you recognize – not just from the big blogs, but also from communities you know and trust.

These are no-holds-barred talks. Directly relevant to what you do every day – not big-picture stuff that sounds great but doesn’t hold weight. In short, you will make more money from your business if you listen and apply the lessons you learn from them.

Key speakers include:

  • Trey Lewellen: The mastermind behind Lumitact (the flashlight that sparked a Native Advertising wildfire), Trey Lewellen is a leading business coach and trailblazing entrepreneur. Get the whole story behind his famous flashlight – and what he expects to be the next big thing.
  • Drew Eric Whitman: If AM was a class with a list of required textbooks, Drew Eric Whitman’s Ca$hvertising would be at the top of the list. The “Direct-Response Surgeon” is a master at fixing and designing brilliant, effective sales copy. Keep reading to find his own explanation of what you’ll get from his speech.
  • Hugh Hancock (aka Caurmen): STM’s “Guardian of the Guides” and founder of Machinima, Hugh Hancock is the master of explaining complex subjects in a way that isn’t just easy to understand, but is also actionable. His big-thinking speech will cover the other industries that AM is set to take over in coming years.
  • Jason Akatiff: Founder and owner of A4D and Pixlwise, Jason Akatiff has been involved in numerous online marketing endeavors over the years. His experience starting, running and selling businesses makes his speech particularly appealing for anyone looking to become an independent entrepreneur in the modern world.
  • Martin Eyking: As a world traveler and Founder/CEO of New Media Services, Martin Eyking knows what it takes to build something from nothing. His staff now numbers over 1500 worldwide, but it all began with 3 people in a small Bangkok office. Find out how he grew his business with smart outsourcing and stable scaling.
  • Steven Kuhn: Next to flashlights, portable relaxation devices are last on the list of “things that will go viral online” – unless you have Facebook advertising and consulting genius Steven Kuhn on your side. He’ll tell the story of LayBag and the key factors that drove its success.

Plus many, many more.

Ibiza afterparty

There will be an afterparty in Ibiza! It’s exclusively for STM members, regardless of whether or not you’re attending AWE. Spots are limited, so don’t miss your chance to join in!

When: Flights leave on 17 June 2017

Where: Ibiza

Who: Exclusive to STM Members

Tickets: Sign up on STM

LORENZO GREEN on the Venue, City and Ibiza

Lorenzo Green is an administrator at STM and one of the principle organizers of Affiliate World Conferences. He leveraged his affiliate marketing success into a loyal audience, which then became much of the core of STM. He represents the interests of his community with an unprecedented focus on quality – as evidenced by the incredible amount of effort that goes into each conference. We asked him a bit about this year’s edition of AWE, along with his thoughts on Berlin:

Lorenzo, what makes AWE worth affiliates’ time?lorenzo green

Lorenzo Green: As an affiliate it’s very easy to get stuck in the comfort of your own network of contacts, especially if you always attend the same events. AWE will allow you to meet with new advertisers and traffic sources that attend AWE but don’t go to any other events, from Russia, Poland, Israel, Germany, UK, Netherlands, France, Spain etc. These are big money making opportunities, giving you an edge as affiliate, and making contact with companies other affiliates don’t work with. Secondly, Europe in summer is sick. Thirdly, someone mentioned something was happening in Ibiza right after AWE…

Any recommendations on places to hold business meetings in Berlin?
Conference schedules are always hectic so I would recommend just holding meetings on location. There will be a beautiful beer garden, where you can conveniently sit in the sun and host meetings at the venue. If however, you are looking to take your client out for a dinner/good time, then I would recommend “Hofbräuhaus“. It’s a massive Bavarian style beer hall, typical German dishes, staff dressed in Lederhosen and Dirndls, it’s a good time!

What’s the most important thing first-timers should consider before going?

Same goes with every conference, book your important meetings asap, and in the afternoon (to prevent hangover based cancellations). Don’t just attend all the networking events, or all the speeches/panels, make sure you get a combination of both. If you intend on going out at night, pack casual clothing…Berlin is weird with their dress codes.

Is there something you always wished you did in Berlin, or something you really wish you hadn’t done there?

EVERYONE talks about the Berghain nightclub (widely considered as one of the world’s most infamous nightclubs). I have been to Berlin 4 times already, and still never visited. I’m extremely allergic to lines, but I feel I should at least tick this one off.

How’s this year’s AWE going to be different than the previous one?

Completely new location! New set up, new everything. Since AWE is run by affiliates, every show is split tested and optimised. We learn every year, what worked well, and what didn’t. Then execute to make the next show ever better. For those who attended our first event, they will be able to see the massive progress and evolution of AWC events. One more thing… this time STM are putting a massive cherry on top, hosting a mega meet up in Ibiza two days after (June 17th), so people can relax, party, and sit in the sun… rumour has it they even rented a private plane for 150 people.


Useful travel planning apps

We recently covered some of the best apps to make you a better affiliate, and a few of them were especially relevant to conference travel. Here are our favorites for planning a smooth journey and stay during AWE:

  • Stratajet (Luxury Flight Planning): Arrive in style. Hire a private jet.
  • Hopper (Flight Planning): Find the best prices on flights. Avoid refreshing pages – get alerts sent when prices drop.
  • OpenTable (Restaurant Reservations): Get the best table in town with the press of a button. Avoid waits and stay focused on business.
  • HotelTonight (Hotel Reservations): Book a room in moments. Same-day reservations encouraged. Features “Hip” and “Basic” options.
  • GoogleTrips (General Travel Tips): User-submitted travel advice and recommendations. Great supplement to this guide.
  • ScanBizCards (Networking Tool): Forget scraps of paper – scan key information and store it on your phone for easy access after the event.

Getting there

berlin airport


If you’ve never done a Europe trip, AWE 2017 presents the perfect opportunity. Berlin sits near the center of Europe, allowing for easy access to nearby countries and experiences. Down south you’ve got the Mediterranean in full summer swing; the Nordics are chilling up north, ready to show off their stunning nature; the Netherlands and its breathtaking capital are practically next door.

With all this variance, you’ve got an excuse to get creative with your travel itinerary. There are hundreds of airlines based in Europe, each with hubs in different cities… and with different rates depending on how frequently they travel there.

If you’re flexible and want to pack more into your trip, we suggest picking a few places that you’ve always wanted to check out, then start exploring fares to major hubs nearby.

For example, flying nonstop from Portland, OR to Berlin is expensive – both cities are not a hub for a single carrier. However, KLM has a hub in Amsterdam and a partner hub (Delta) in Portland, making their flights cheaper than others. You could find a much cheaper flight to Amsterdam, spend a weekend in The Netherlands and then hop on a train or quick flight to Berlin. Get super creative and leave from somewhere else (like, say, Ibiza) to make a sweet Euro-loop.

  • Try AirBerlin for a head start. They feature offers to neighboring European countries as well as Germany, along with plenty of origins well beyond European borders.

Amsterdam – Berlin Rally

There are rumors going around about a crazy Berlin Rally by Affiliate World Adventures – an even bigger and better one than last year’s edition.

Here’s a sneak peak into what you can expect:

  • Tour in the Manhart Tuning Factory, including Car Demo
  • Full camera team (that does Renault commercials) to document our adventure
  • Tank Station Girls at fuel stops
  • Plenty of fun along the way

What: Amsterdam-Berlin Rally

Who: People like you; sponsored by Advidi, Avazu and more!

When: We leave Amsterdam on 13 June

Spots are limited to a maximum 35 cars (first come first serve). Sign up to save your spot!

Where to stay – Hotels & AirBnB

As with every edition of Affiliate World Conferences, the organizers have hand-picked hotels near the conference based on their location, amenities and price. These hotels are available at discounted rates for AWE attendees. Those will fill up fast, so jump on it!


AirBnB does exist in Berlin, but the battle between the city and the DIY vacation rental giant has been well documented and limits options. That said, the options are growing as the people’s demands are outweighing the city’s desire to maintain control.


Berlin is full of hostels. The backpacking culture is strong here. If you’re looking for a cheap option and don’t mind sharing a dorm, you can spend the week here for less than €100.

Pick the right Kiez

Neighbourhoods are called “Kieze” in Berlin. Find the “Kiez” of the place you’re looking for and search for it to see what people think of the neighborhood. Some people have great experiences in Berlin, others don’t. It’s usually due to the Kiez and how it suits your tastes.

Note: Kreuzberg is the Kiez that AWE is in, so go for that if you’re just looking for conference convenience.

Getting a visa

visa requirements for the shengen area

American citizens and those from other countries with a reciprocal visa program (most of North America, much of South America and Australia) do not need a visa for stays of less than 90 days – a valid passport is all you need.

Those from other countries will require a visa. You can request a personalized visa invitation from Affiliate World Conferences if required.

Note that visas are not issued immediately. It can take 10-15 days to get approved, if not more. Apply ASAP to avoid problems!

Speaking German

Don’t worry – everyone speaks English in the major cities. Unlike some countries, they generally appreciate your attempts at speaking the local language. Don’t be shy if you’ve picked some up over the years!

In general, things will be written mostly in German, though important places and directions will also be written in English.

Money and costs

The currency in Berlin is the Euro. Germans pronounce it “oi-ro” and use the same form for plural and singular (e.g. “The tickets are 15 euro”).

Those coming from America will be pleased to find that the Euro and the U.S. Dollar are almost equal these days; it’ll cost you just $1.06 to get €1 (compared to $1.34 just two years ago).

Many places accept credit and debit cards, but it’s not as widespread as you may be used to. We suggest carrying a small amount of cash for minor purchases and a credit card for larger expenses.

Where to change currency

Banks often charge an additional fee, so our recommendation is to use an exchange service. These can be found at most major train stations. ATMs are not very common compared to other cities, so stock up (but keep extra cash in the safe in your hotel).

Try to avoid getting large bills. Most shops will be hesitant to change anything higher than €50, and a wad of large bills will attract the wrong type of attention in Berlin – convert them to champagne bottles first if you’re looking to get flashy.


Tipping customs in Berlin are similar to most other European cities.

It’s customary to add 10% or so to a meal with table service, but in general, tipping is not expected – it’s just a nice thing to do. This is especially true for something simple, like a round of beers or coffee. Taxi drivers do not typically expect tips either, but this is more of a gray area… their wages are low, so many passengers add a euro or so to the total.

Your tips will be appreciated, so don’t be shy – but don’t feel obligated, either.

Getting around Berlin

Berlin is a big city. There’s lots to explore, but you should consider your priorities before setting up an ambitious itinerary.

The venue for AWE is in a great location this year, so we suggest keeping your city travels limited during the conference days. Many hotels and restaurants are within walking distance or a few stops away on the metro or train.


Taxis are affordable and fair in Berlin. You may not want to ask for nightlife suggestions, but they (typically) won’t spin you around the block five times to ring up the meter.

Unlike some cities, getting a taxi for a short ride is totally acceptable. If you’re going less than 2 kilometers, there’s even a special rate – ask for a “Kurzstrecke” – this means “short distance” and should only cost you €5.

Note for large groups: You can request a “Maxi Taxi” for an additional €5 fee. These larger taxis can carry up to 8 people.


Uber has not yet secured its stranglehold on Berlin. With taxis remaining cheap and plentiful, Uber has had trouble offering unique value to city travelers… so the traditional Uber options don’t exist.

They do offer UberTaxi, which is essentially the exact same as hailing a normal taxi… but it’s done through the Uber app. That may make your life a bit easier, as the payment is done automatically, you can track the travel and your credit card can be used.

Public transport

The U-Bahn (subway) and S-Bahn (above-ground) create the interlinked train system in Berlin. They’re the fastest way to get around town. Luckily, AWE is located right by the Gleisdreieck station.

Good to know about public transport:

You only need one ticket. It’s valid on the S- and U-Bahns and all buses, trams and ferries. There’s a Fare tab on the Journey Planner page that indicates relative costs, but most short trips are less than €2, while a day pass costs €7.

Public transport is solid in Berlin, though taxis are cheap and easy to find. If you’ve got the spare time, the public transport system is an experience in itself. We recommend it on your sightseeing days.


Temperatures in June average around 17°C (63°F). By mid-June, summer should be heating up, but nothing is guaranteed. We suggest planning for cool weather and sunshine most of the time, with a solid backup plan for rain (layers!).

WiFI vs. temporary SIM cards

Easy winner: WiFi.

It’s currently not possible to find a prepaid SIM that doesn’t require a contract. You can figure something out, but there are restrictions and hassles to deal with (e.g. needing a local address and possibly even local ID).

Luckily, it’s not hard to find WiFi in Berlin. The city sponsors a number of hotspots in key locations. Your hotel or the local Starbucks may be faster, but one thing is for sure: you’re never far from your stats in the German capital.

Health & safety

The emergency number in Berlin is 112 when an injury or fire occurs. 110 is a police-only emergency number.

European travelers are encouraged to carry a European Health Insurance Card. Foreign travelers are encouraged to check their travel insurance for healthcare coverage.

There is an increased level of security due to attacks throughout Europe. That means you should expect more stringent measures at checkpoints and perhaps longer lines at events. Nobody can promise 100% safety in our modern world, but we will note that the fear of further attacks is more political than practical… chances of your trip being affected somehow are very low.

You are not required to carry your passport, so don’t. If you are stopped for an ID check (rare, but more frequent as of late), they may escort you back to your hotel room for a check. The risk of a minor inconvenience far outweighs the constant risk of losing your ticket home!

MATEJ (MATULOO) on Mixing Business with Pleasure & What To Do During the Conference

Matuloo is a long-time STM user who has gained an audience for his cutting-edge insight into affiliate marketing. He’s community focused, always willing to take time out of his day to help strengthen our industry. Considering his experience and coverage of previous STM events, he’s the perfect candidate to explain why he’s so excited for Berlin – and why you should be, too:

Matuloo, what makes AWE worth affiliates’ time?


Matuloo: I’ve been to a “number” of shows already, and AWE stands out in a way. Some shows look more like meetings of various exhibitors, who came to present their products to more exhibitors 🙂 80% of the people walking the venues, are managers or representatives of the participating companies.

AWE is different. A majority of the people you can meet there are actually affiliates, people running their own campaigns, entrepreneurs looking for networking options, guys seeking information… Exhibitors are still a very important part of the conference, but they are not the core of it, so to speak. Simply put, in case you’re looking for a true Affiliate conference, AWE is it.

There is one more thing that makes AWE special: the speeches. You’ll have a hard time finding a conference with more qualified speakers, and that’s an undeniable fact. Neil Patel, Drew Eric Whitman, Ryan Holiday, Charles Ngo, Hugh Hancock… these are just a few industry leaders that have already spoken at AWE. I can’t even imagine how much effort and funds were needed to put such a lineup together. But that’s how it should be. AWE is not free, so it’s nice to see the entrance fee being put to good use.

What’s your strategy for getting the most value out of events like AWE? Is there anything first-timers should consider before going?

The key to get the most of a conference – and it doesn’t matter whether it’s about me personally or a newbie affiliate who’s about to attend the first conference ever – is to realize what the conference is about. It’s about meeting people and talking to them, exploring the exhibitors’ booths and attending the speeches of your choice.

There is an insane amount of knowledge and new contacts that you can walk away with from a conference, but you need to reach out for it and do the first step. Talk to people, do not hesitate to start the conversation, nobody is gonna bite you 🙂 Standing in the corner is not gonna make you a super affiliate, the right connections will, so get them! There are Meet Markets, chill-out zones, parties … attend them and network. You wouldn’t believe how much a beer or two can help the conversation 🙂
Check out at least the main speeches, take notes and pay close attention to what those guys have to say… they are making millions, so don’t miss the opportunity to pick their brains. Make sure you stop by the exhibitors’ booths, take visit-cards and talk with the reps. It’s ALWAYS easier to work with someone who you’ve met face-to-face, it adds the personal touch to any communication and that can help you a ton!

Is there something you always wished you did in Berlin, or something you really wish you hadn’t done there?

I’m a fan of mixing business with pleasure, Berlin is an awesome city, so make sure to spend some time exploring it. Whether you’re a history guy or a shopping fanatic, Berlin has you covered. Last year, I didn’t have much time to spend on this, but I hope I can check out at least the most important monuments this year.

There is one thing I’m not gonna miss… no matter what… the excellent German food and beer. Germans are masters when it comes to preparing their traditional meat dishes and their beer is world renowned, too… sounds like heaven to me 🙂 One way or another, I plan to enjoy AWE entirely. Hope to see you guys there!


berlin skyline


There are two undeniable facts we learned while researching this article:

  1. There’s a lot to love about Berlin.
  2. Not everyone finds it.

There’s no question that AWE will be worth your visit, even if you never leave the venue area. But it’s great to have both the location and the event harmonize – and in this case, getting the most out of Berlin may take a bit of pre-planning.

The former communist rule in half of this city may not be proven by a looming shadow any longer, but decades of division don’t disappear in a day. It’s been nearly 30 years since the wall came down, so things are integrated on a surface level – but you’ll still find evidence of Berlin’s dark past peeking from beneath the new infrastructure that is working quickly to mask it.
The lesson we’ve learned is that if you want to guarantee a great time in Berlin, you have to take matters into your own hands. Fans of art, culture and history will have endless options, but others may have to do some searching to find their favorite spots. If that’s you, read on – there’s lots to discover!

Near the venue

The Kreuzberg neighborhood was once infamous for being unsavory – full of punks, thieves and rebels (but not the fun kind). These days, it’s an eclectic, safe and modern mix of New and Old Berlin, with lots to see and do:

  • Street Art: Berlin is world-famous for its art, and much of the best work is on display as you wander around. Famous artists have been defending the city from drab with their deviant takes on decoration for years. By now, the best street art is well documented.
  • Turkish Market: On Tuesdays and Fridays, the Kreuzberg Turkish Market takes over the Maybachufer Strasse with colorful foods and exotic goods. Find it in full swing between 11:00am and 6:30pm.
  • SO 36: This punk venue bears the old postcode of Kreuzberg and stands as a symbol of the area’s evolution over the years, as explained in their manifesto. Catch live punk shows or just take in the vibe on differently themed evenings.
  • Numerous Art Galleries: Kreuzberg holds plenty of formal and informal art galleries, ranging from the East Side Gallery – set inside the Wall, it’s the world’s longest open-air gallery – to the much-smaller Konig Gallery and many, many more.


The Hop-On Hop-Off bus tours are indeed a superb way to check out the city. If you’re looking for a quick summary of highlights, nothing beats the price and reach that they offer. Think of it as a pre-fixe menu of Berlin with the opportunity to swap out a few dishes.

For those looking to get more involved, we suggest an “a la carte” approach. The AWE organizers have put together a great list of attractions on their website – here are the details, along with some of our favorites:

Berlin Wall Memorial

This monument to the infamous eponymous wall straddles one of the busiest sections of the former dividing line between East and West. Discover the rich history of the Cold War and its effect on Berlin as it played out, replete with tragedy, confusion and hope for the future we know today. (Photo credit Amy Ewen)

Official Website:

Travel time from AWE: 25 minutes by public transport, 15 minutes by car/taxi (don’t walk)

[Direct Link to Google Maps]


Translating to “Wall Park”, Mauerpark is a short distance from the Berlin Wall Memorial and shares the theme: the park sits within the infamous “Death Strip” that made up the division between East and West so many years ago.

Today it’s a peaceful, artistically inspired space for tourists and locals alike. Sundays see a flea market pop up over much of the park, and if you’re lucky, you can catch some live music performed by fellow park-goers at the Bearpit Karaoke Show.

Official Website:

Travel time from AWE: 30 minutes by public transport, 20 minutes by car (don’t walk)

[Direct Link to Google Maps]

Checkpoint Charlie

Beginning with the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and continuing throughout the war, Checkpoint Charlie was famously the most contentious part of the Berlin Wall. While this was only one of many gates between East and West, Checkpoint Charlie was by far the most famous. A museum remains in its place – it’s pretty straightforward, but an obvious must for Cold War history buffs. It’s also not far from the AWE venue.

Fun fact: The museum itself was erected in 1963 and has existed for about as long as the checkpoint has. Number of visitors in the early years: “Not very many.”

Official Website:

Travel time from AWE: 30 minutes walking, 8 minutes by public transport, 7 minutes by car/taxi

[Direct Link to Google Maps]

Brandenburg Gate

Nothing evokes thoughts of Berlin like the Brandenburg Gate, its most famous and recognizable landmark. Constructed in the late 18th century, it is clearly inspired by Athenian architecture of ancient times and has become a symbol of unity, despite once being a key part of the Wall. It’s close to the AWE venue and unequivocally Berlin, making it a great place to stop for a photo or two.

Official Website: None, as it’s a public place; VisitBerlin has a visitor’s guide

Travel time from AWE: 35 minutes walking, 12 minutes by public transport, 8 minutes by car/taxi

[Direct Link to Google Maps]

Markthalle Neun (9)

Modeled after the same market that existed more than a century ago, Markthalle Neun (“Market Hall #9”) features the same vibe that it did way back then – with modern updates, of course. You’ll find relaxed beer gardens lining the halls of this lively area (Lausitzer Platz). Come the Tuesday before AWE kicks off to fill your stomach with the best of Berlin, or come back on a theme day… Thursdays are reserved for “Street Food Thursday” and Sundays are taken over by the “Breakfast Market” – if you’re keen on either, it’s worth waiting for the right day.

Official Website: (Google Translate works well)

Travel time from AWE: 15 minutes by public transport, 15 minutes by car/taxi (don’t walk)

[Direct Link to Google Maps]

Jewish Museum Berlin

Opened in 2001, this modern museum is an example of stunning architecture from the outside – but on the inside, more than two thousand years of Jewish heritage quickly take your focus. Everything is focused on Jewish culture in Germany, beginning with ancient times and rapidly approaching the tumult of the 20th century. It’s very close to AWE and worth walking by at the very least, though a visit is recommended – tickets are only €8 and get cheaper in groups.

Official Website:

Travel time from AWE: 25 minutes walking, 14 minutes by public transport, 6 minutes by car/taxi

[Direct Link to Google Maps]

Berlin ZOO

“Have you ever seen a…”

You can stop there – if it’s animals we’re talking, and if they’re in a zoo anywhere in the world, chances are good you can see one at the Berlin Zoo. They claim to have the most comprehensive variety of species in the world, with more than 1300 different species spread across nearly 50,000 animals. The walk is long, but direct – could be worth a stroll if you’re the city-trekking type.

Official Website:

Travel time from AWE: 45 minutes walking, 9 minutes by public transport, 10 minutes by car/taxi

[Direct Link to Google Maps]



berlin nightlife


There are two ways to go out in Berlin.

One involves the standard clubbing and beer garden experience (with just a small side of “weird” to go with the beer). We’ll call that The Surface, for lack of a better name and to resist using tragic historical references for a cheap/easy joke in a city guide.

Then… then there’s what we’re affectionately calling “The Underworld” – because Berlin’s infamous underground scene is a whole world in and of itself.

That’s the side that has made Germany (in)famous throughout Europe and much of the world. The line is blurry, with “Underworld” aspects in beer gardens… and surprisingly tame nights at some of the town’s seediest clubs. Sometimes it even depends on the evening – for example, Berghain is a very different place from one night to the next.

In any case, Berlin is clearly much, much cooler than any individual – it is, as the sum of all its warn-torn, excessively liberated parts, a true coolness that cannot be built, constructed or designed. The unique city has spawned a unique partying culture, driven by expression and freedom to explore innate desires, yet draped – ever scantily – in deep, self-effacing irony.

For some, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For others, it’s once every weekend… and it goes all weekend long.

A few things to note about going out in Berlin:

  • The dress code in Berlin leans toward casual, even at nicer places. If you’re nervous, you can usually find information online or in the invite you received to the party.
  • The whole point of Berlin is to be accepting, even at the weirder places. You should be adventurous, but feel safe knowing that you’re in good company.
  • A lot of smaller bars still allow smoking indoors.
  • Most bars are cash-only.
  • Don’t expect much to be happening at bars before 8-9pm. Closing time is around 3am for normal bars and who-knows-when for clubs.
  • If you’re trying to get into a club: Keep quiet, go in small groups, check the dress code beforehand and don’t let the bouncer see you using your phone.
  • Time can become a blur if you’re really into the late-night partying. Interiors often avoid mirrors or windows to allow for weekend-long partying without concern.
  • Taxis are cheap and usually lined up around the major clubs and party areas.
  • There are lots of options, ranging from high-class to too-cool-for-school.

The Surface

The “surface” of Berlin is full of beer gardens, cozy cafes, late-night food stands and, well, more beer gardens. That said, you can still find places to take the party up a notch without getting completely lost in a situation you weren’t prepared for.

Beer Gardens

The city is completely packed with beer gardens. There’s one primary reason: they’re awesome. Especially in June. This solid list of recommendations offers a few highlights:

  • BRLO on Schöneberger Str. 16: Right next to AWE, this hyper-local beer garden features an extensive selection of craft beers brewed in Berlin.
  • Südstern on Hasenheide 69: Near the conference. Lots of great beer options.
  • Prater on Kastanienallee 7-9: Frequented by tourists. Perhaps the most famous.
  • Golgatha on Dudenstraße 40-64: Located in nearby Viktoriapark, this all-day garden offers morning coffee and late-night beer. Ideal for marathon stats-checking sessions.
  • Emils on Berliner Str. 80: Popular spot for locals. Typically less busy than Prater.

If you’re not too picky, the one nearest your home is often the best.


The Rooftop Terrace at Rocco Forte The Charles Hotel

With stunning views over the whole city, The Rooftop Terrace is a great way to kill two birds with one stone – get your sightseeing in while meeting with clients.


Fairytale is a cocktail bar by hipsters, for hipsters. Local mixology wizard Mike Meinke runs the place, and his fancy concoctions are designed to impress – well, not like, on purpose or anything. They’re just cool.

Mitte area

Mitte is the classic center of Berlin, home to the Brandenburg Gate, many museums, art galleries galore and plenty of pickpockets. This is a good place for the more casual night out, beginning with tourism and ending with overpriced, but appreciated, beers. Check out Bar 3 or Newton Bar.

The Underworld

To the uninitiated, everything in Berlin’s underworld seems backwards. There are “normal” places in Berlin, but they’re far from normal. Then there are “weird” places in Berlin, but they’re the sort of place most of us would feel comfortable in.

Here are some made-up quotes that we can imagine being actually said by Berliners based on our research:

“That club is weird. You must always wear pants!”

“I should take it easy this weekend. I think I’ll start on Friday and end at noon on Sunday.”

“So there I was, spray-painting a life-sized portrait of my [body part goes here] in the bathroom, when I realized it was Tuesday, not Friday! So I whipped up a fresh batch of GHB in the toilet to celebrate.”
Sound like your cup of tea? Either way, it’s worth checking out. And anyway, even though we’re calling it the Underworld, you should know that the Berlin club scene is generally very safe – even for out-of-towners. So don’t be afraid… but do be prepared!


This is the spot – easily the most famous of them all,

at least for the time being. It’s changed a bit since its inception in the 1990s, but the core “anything goes” mentality can still be seen on certain nights of the week… and it’s impossible to ignore on the more uncertain nights. It’s normally a pretty accessible place for most people these days, but make sure to check the schedule before coming. Learn the rules first. Read their bouncer’s story to get an idea of what the club is all about. (Photo credit Billboard)

Then… if you’re feeling adventurous, cut a hole in your pants, find an event and prepare for a night you won’t soon forget (if you get let in the door).

Note: Cutting a hole in your pants is optional, but recommended for passing the bouncer.

Safety level: “Who’s touching my… wait, what the hell is touching my… ah, I guess that’s fine.”


This used to be the top underground club in Berlin, but has chilled out in recent years. It’s still a funky spot that sees some of the world’s leading underground electronic musicians come through its doors, but that’s where the focus has remained – on the music. In earlier times, it was known for its “freedom of expression” vibe and its lax rules on creating the perfect party atmosphere. For now, it remains as a record label that pumps out some of the best in underground electronic music. (Photo credit Vanja Gulubovic)

Check the schedule of events before coming out.

Safety level: “Do you know this DJ? He’s really- oh, sorry for asking. Yes, I’ll leave.”


This place is every flavor of “different” out there. This VICE article takes you inside Berlin’s most famous adult playground (at least this year) – and we’re very thankful for their bravery. It’s interesting. Very, very interesting. You could even say… too interesting.

Their events page (NSFW) is a 100% necessary place to look before coming.

Safety level: “No. No. No. No. No. No. Oh, wait. Yes. Please. Wait, nononononooo…” (OR: “I’m never going home.”)

Restaurants / Cuisine

Being an international city, Berlin has its fair share of choice when it comes to food. That said, very few make any choice but beer and bratwurst (and we can’t blame them). More on that in a moment.

As for individual spots, we’re going to defer to the folks at AWE and their awesome list of restaurants near the conference venue. These have been selected to suit a variety of occasions, so look no further if you’re planning a meeting.

Here are a few traditional German foods you shouldn’t miss:


This stuff is amazing. Let us give you the recipe:

  1. Take a hot dog or similar type of sausage and cut it up (those of you from hoity-toity neighborhoods back home might be surprised to find a strong appreciation for classic, no-frills hot dogs throughout Germany – along with the sturdy bratwurst we know and love).
  2. Next, add Ketchup on top.
  3. Now, go absolutely nuts… add curry powder. Just dump it on top.
  4. Serve with a side of fries.

Intimidated? You should be – it’s an art form! Luckily, you can find hundreds of places to give them a shot, done up nicely by a professional street vendor.

Fun fact: Currywurst is so popular in Germany that a Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg even has its own single-purpose butchery specifically to create currywurst for employees.
Find the best Currywurst in Berlin right by the conference at Curry 36 (Mehringdamm 36).

(Photo credit Adam Berry)

Pfannkuchen (Berliner)

“Ich bin Ein Berliner!”

JFK’s infamous self-identification as a jelly donut may have been misconstrued a bit, but the delicious treat is very real. The “Berliner Pfannkuchen” is what we call a jelly donut around the world. They do them best here, though, along with many other excellent breakfast pastries – and who can pass up an opportunity to do their best JFK impression? (Photo credit Frag Mutti)

Buletten (Frikadeller)

Guess what? Another meat-based dish! These flat, uneven “meatballs” are fairly popular throughout Europe, with each culture picking a different name for them. You’ll find them to be a welcome, if perhaps a bit greasy, snack between bigger meals… or just order a heaping plateful for breakfast (you’re on vacation). Either way, you’re doing it right.

Map of key places

Direct link to map:

CHARLES NGO on Maximizing Your AWE Experience

One of the best-known affiliate marketing experts today, Charles Ngo found success nearly 10 years ago, under the age of 30 – and he hasn’t looked back since. He has leveraged his knowledge into a loyal following, securing his popularity in the industry with crazy useful blog posts, speaking events, private coaching and his well-known school for super affiliates, AFFcelerator. He’s a regular attendee and speaker at Affiliate World Conferences, making him well worth the listen:

Charles, what makes AWE worth affiliates’ time?charles ngo

The face to face time.

I always say that having lunch with someone in person is worth 100 phone calls.

Going to AWE means you can connect with your affiliate managers, find new contacts, and form new masterminds. It’s not cheap to go to AWE, but I think it’s well worth the investment.

Any recommendations on places to hold business meetings in Berlin?

I normally hold meetings at the venue of the event. You want to make things as easy as possible for the other person.

Be careful of holding meetings in a public environment because it’s easy to get interrupted.

One advanced thing you can do is rent out a SUITE at the venue and hold all your meetings there. You get complete privacy and it makes a statement.

What’s your strategy for getting the most value out of events like AWE?

  1. Book your meetings early to make sure you get on the person’s calendar.
  2. I don’t go to any sessions. It’s because I know they’re going to be recorded and I can view them a few weeks later. I rather spend my time networking, and watch the presentations on my own time.
  3. Use your calendar. My assistant schedules all the meetings, sessions, and parties that I want to go to. I just check my calendar and follow the instructions.

What’s the most important thing first-timers should consider before going?

  1. Find ways to save money. Every $100 you save is money that can go to traffic. Consider getting a roommate and splitting the cost of a hotel room!
  2. Learn how to build SOLID relationships. You can’t talk business with someone the entire time. Learn about their personal life. Build rapport with them. I know this is tough because all of us are nerds. But having great social skills will make you stand out.
  3. Don’t party too hard. I never drink at public events because I’m there for “work.” I go home early so I can rest well and remember everything I learned.

Is there something you always wished you did in Berlin, or something you really wish you hadn’t done there?
I didn’t do ANYTHING besides the conference the last time I was there. If I had more time I would’ve liked to visit the Berlin Wall. I LOVE history and would have loved to see the remains of it in person.

Top 10 Tips

  1. Take matters into your own hands – plan the experience you want to have. If you’re all-in on networking, plan meetings ahead of time (and leave space for new contacts at the event). If you’re new, get a nice mix of keynote speakers/breakout sessions and time wandering the meet market.
  2. Every one of our contributors agreed: Don’t be shy! This is the biggest meetup of like-minded affiliate marketers on the planet. Everyone’s going to be interested in what your business is up to.
  3. Berlin is at least worth checking out for a day, even if it’s not your style – try a bus tour if you have limited time.
  4. Getting a temporary SIM card is difficult without committing to a plan. Hop from hotspot to hotspot instead.
  5. Research your party place before you go. Know dress codes, rules and what to expect of the atmosphere and fellow guests.
  6. Learn a few German phrases – your efforts will be generally appreciated.
  7. Don’t forget to check your country’s visa status with the Schengen area and request a personalized visa invitation if needed.
  8. ATMs are not always easy to find, so carry cash. Avoid large bills – shopkeepers usually won’t accept €50 and higher.
  9. Plan your partying time and your working time. There’s a gap between the event and the Ibiza trip, so consider using that day to have fun, keeping the conference days focused on business.
  10. Download this guide to your phone and save our interactive map for easy reference during the event!

Meet Advidi there

Did you think we’d miss this?! As always, we’ll be at AWE in force, with a full team representing each of our major verticals:

  • iGaming (Casino, Slots, Poker, Sports Betting and more)
  • Mainstream (LeadGen, CC Submits, Mobile, Sweepstakes, Utilities, Surveys, Freebies)
  • Health & Beauty (Diet, Skin, Brain, Muscle, Teeth, Male Enhancement, Hair)
  • Dating (Adult, Casual, Mainstream, LeadGen)

Top traffic sources: Display, Mobile, POP, Facebook, Native, Email, PPC and SEO.

Available flows: CPA, 1- and 2-click, PIN, PFI, PPS, IVR, SOI, DOI, Trial Offers, CC Submits

Learn more about our company and how we work, then be sure to plan a meeting with us in advance – schedules will definitely fill up early!

advidi at awe berlin 2016 Advidi at AWE Berlin 2016

Travel team

We’re sending eleven Advidi representatives to this year’s event. Be sure to schedule a meeting early, as our schedules tend to fill up in advance:

Premium Booth A4

We have a great location for our booth, with several surprises planned for our visitors. If previous years are any indication, the Meet Market should be well worth your time – you could even spend the whole event there.

Be sure to stop by Booth A4 to say “Guten Tag”!

awe booth advidi map


Berlin is a fascinating city. AWE is an outstanding conference. If you’re still on the fence, we’re not sure what else we can do.

There are many sides to Berlin, and it all comes down to what you want it to be. We support informed exploration – if there’s ever been a time to check out something a little different, Berlin during AWE is it.

That said, the focus is on the conference. You’re spending a lot on the ticket, and you should expect a lot in return. We know the organizers have their end covered. Next, it’s up to you to plan ahead and make the most of your trip.

With all the effort and attention paid to your wishes, this will clearly be a defining year for Affiliate World Conferences. AWE 2017 will be the best yet – beatable only by future editions, whose foundations will be laid upon the success of this event.

We’ll see you there. Bis bald!

Get in touch

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