What happened in 2017? Let’s take a closer look!

Another outstanding year in the books at Advidi!

We’ve already given you a look at the raw stats… but what about the ever-important details? In this retrospective, we take a few leaps back in time to get one more good look at the year behind us… then it’s full speed into the next!

Let’s start the time machine…


The global tour was in full swing

What a wild year! We traveled to 20+ events in 2017, including the most renowned affiliate marketing conferences in the world.

The action kicked off right at the start of the year with Affiliate Summit West, when we sent our Kings and Queens to represent us in style. We also created a comprehensive guide to the city and the conference, featuring insider tips from previous years, awesome activities and a detailed rundown of the event.

Advidi in Las Vegas

After a few more excellent smaller conferences, it was time to turn our sights toward Berlin and Affiliate World Europe. What better way to show up than with a rally?

The F11 Crew showed up in high gear as well, chilling at BRLO and sharing moments with the many visitors to our booth.

By this point, we had received great feedback and contributions to our previous conference guides, so we took it to the next level with our AWE edition.

Advidi in Berlin

More great conferences followed, and it wasn’t long until our Ad Men crossed the Atlantic to hit up the Big Apple for Affiliate Summit East.

Admen Blogcover

This also required a guide! We enlisted help from Affiliate Summit founders Missy Ward and Shawn Collins to give detailed advice to attendees.

Blogpost NYC guide

Our global tour concluded with a bang – at Affiliate World Asia in Bangkok, of course. We sent the Adverthaising Warriors with an updated look.

This, of course, required our best guide to date – with input from Neil Patel, James van Elswyk, Jay Lev and Sarah Bundy.

Bangkok cover

Our booth was blank this time – but you all filled it up, creating an impressive snapshot of an industry on the rise.

Blogpost cover

A new type of partnership

In addition to our partnerships with affiliates and advertisers, we connected with a new type of partner this year. We contributed to four good causes with volunteers and financial support.

First up, we put our focus on health and physical activity. Seven volunteers joined a local school to support the King’s Games, a nation-wide event on the king’s birthday that promotes getting a healthy start to the day.

Kings Games

All that activity gave us an appetite! What better way to satiate it than with good company? We sponsored a dinner for 80 refugees as part of an initiative among Dutch companies (Havendiner) to welcome new immigrants. It was a great way to share stories and learn more about the country and world we all share.

You’ll notice a theme here – we love promoting physical health. Our next effort went to Giro di KiKa, part of the KiKa series of fundraising and awareness events. KiKa funds research and provides support for children’s cancer, and the Giro is their annual bicycle marathon. We pitched in with a donation to Tandartspraktijk Dieleman, helping them achieve their goal.

We had one more charity chance, and it was time to dance! We sponsored an after-party for Alina Sukhareva and the Dance4Life team after their New York Marathon run, along with helping her team reach €126,144 in donations.

Dance4Life Blogpost

In addition to the charity efforts, we collaborated with the Marketing Association of Amsterdam. We invited local marketing students to our office, where we created business games and presented our industry.


The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Continuing with our theme of connecting the industry, we put some focus on the newcomers by sponsoring Charles Ngo’s Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing. Our help kept this necessary, definitive resource 100% free.

Affiliate marketing course

Charles made his first visit to Amsterdam this year for his AFFcelerator mastermind, and that called for a warm reception at our office.

We continued our collaboration throughout the year, which culminated into a huge rooftop party with one of the best views in Bangkok during Affiliate World Asia.


The ultimate adventure

We launched the biggest contest we had ever put together in February 2017: Advidi Adventure! All affiliates in our network had the chance to compete for a huge prize, which included:

  • Full luxury accommodation and flight tickets to Amsterdam
  • Massive beach party at Pllek, an Amsterdam favorite
  • Boat party along the canals
  • Brainstorming day at the Advidi office
  • Tickets to the final Sensation White event in Amsterdam
  • Dinners, lunches, shopping and more

Yeah, you had to be there – but our after-movie gives you the highlights. And remember, our latest contest just opened up!

The most important partnerships of all

Of course, we value all of our partners immensely. But at the end of the day, we are a family here at Advidi. Our partnership with each other is our core strength, and by sticking with each other and growing as a team, we are better able to support all of our global partners.

This year, we joined together for a massive party at the Advidi office, including all of our friends and family in the area.

Next, we took a “family vacation” to Ibiza, with the whole Advidi crew soaking up the sun and partying late into the night at Pacha.

All in all, 2017 was a year we’ll never forget – despite all the new memories we’ll create in 2018. We hope you had the chance to join us in some (or all) of the above, but if not… now is the best time to get on board the Advidi boat!

P.S. Wanna connect the dots? Check out last year’s summary and our recent 2017 in numbers post.

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